Additionally, I have no clue whose horrible idea it was to turn on some of the filters that this game forces on. It also would have been nice to look down and see my body a bit. Small things like needing to click ‘E’ every time you want to climb a ladder is a minor annoyance that feels out of place in a modern game. That being said, at times it does feel quite clear that this is more of a AA game than a AAA game. While I’ve heard complaints that the game gets bad after the first little bit, I did not find that at all. I did not look over the combat skills, but all of the skills I did look at gave new passives and / or abilities every 20 points that you put into them I do wonder if putting points into combat skills, would have made the combat more enjoyable. It didn’t feel like anything special, but it also didn’t feel bad. Granted, I was playing on normal, but even without putting a single point into a combat related skill, I did not feel that underpowered when I was forced to fight I also really like how putting points into non-combat skills, like persuasion, still gives out combat buffs.

I really liked how often you could talk your way out of situations and the ability to make a dumb character led to some really funny dialog that seemed to change the way certain quests played out. The RPG elements are a lot more like Fallout New Vegas than Mas Effect. Of course, this game does have elements from Fallout. The entire companion system feels like Mass Effect, from how you pick your 2 companions upon landing on each planet, to doing quests for them, to little things like how they stand in elevators. The way you use a ship to navigate between worlds is identical to how it works in Mass Effect. A lot of systems feel straight out of Mass Effect.

While it certainly has some elements of Fallout, a much better comparison would be if Mass Effect was first person and a satire. I went into The Outer Worlds excepting Fallout in space.